God Of War 3 PPSSPP Download For Android ISO Zip File

[Total: 309 Average: 4.7]
NameGod Of War 3 PPSSPP
PublisherSony Computer Entertainment
Size586 MB
SupportedPSP, Android
Update30 January 2025
HTML Button Generator

If you are looking for God of War 3 PPSSPP, you are in the right place. Hello friends, Welcome to PPSSPP ISO ROMs. In this post, I’m telling you about God of War 3 PPSSPP for Android.

God of War 3 PPSSPP works 100% because I tested it on my Android phone and tablet. After reading this article, you can easily download God of War 3 PPSSPP ISO Zip File For Android without problems in 2025.

You can download God Of War 3 PPSSPP with Google Drive and MediaFire download links.

If you want to download more God of War Games, we have already posted many, Such as God of War 1 PPSSPP, God of War 2 PPSSPP, God of War Ghost of Sparta PPSSPP, and God of War Chains of Olympus PPSSPP. So, please also download these games.

What is God Of War 3 PPSSPP?

God of War 3 PPSSPP is the third game in the popular God of War series. It was originally made in 2013.

What is God Of War 3 PPSSPP

The game continues the story of the warrior Kratos, who is trying to get revenge against the Greek gods who betrayed him.

At the end of the previous game, Kratos killed Ares, the god of war. Now, Kratos wants to take down an even more important god, Zeus, the king of the gods.

The gameplay mainly involves using your weapons to hack and slash through many enemies. Kratos uses chained blades as his primary weapon.

He also finds other weapons and magic abilities to counter his attacks. The controls are simple main buttons for jumping, attacking, blocking attacks, and using magic.

God of War 3 PPSSPP levels are based on places from Greek myths, like Hades and the Labyrinth. Kratos has to fight through dangerous environments.

He also meets characters from myths like Hercules, Cronos, and Hephaestus. The environments look very detailed and draw you into the game world.

The boss battles are an essential highlight. Kratos fights with many arms against massive, dangerous enemies like the Hecatonchires.

Each boss requires learning its attack patterns and finding its weaknesses. Beating a boss brings an epic cinematic finish.

The PSP version provides the same intense combat and cinematic presentation as the PlayStation 3 version. However, some technical compromises were made to make the game work on a handheld system.

For example, lower resolution textures and fewer enemies on screen at once. But it is still impressive to fit such an advanced game onto a PSP.

Features Of God Of War 3 PPSSPP

God Of War 3 PPSSPP comes with many exciting features:


Despite being made for mobile devices, God of War 3 PPSSPP does not compromise on having stunning, detailed graphics and visuals.

The game shows impressive details, realistic character designs, and beautifully made environments.

The excellent visuals enhance the game’s experience, whether exploring ancient Greece’s immense landscapes or fighting giant enemies.

Challenging Boss Battles

Players fight powerful boss characters many times in the game. Each boss requires different tactics to defeat.

These larger-than-life enemies add challenge and excitement to the game. Beating these epic battles feels like a real accomplishment, and it helps players improve.

Sound Design

The game’s sound design is essential for creating an engaging atmosphere. The intense background music strengthens the emotional impact of the story.

The battle sound effects make every fight feel more real and impactful. The voice acting brings the characters to life and connects players to what the characters are going through.

New Game Plus Mode

After finishing the main story, God of War 3 PSP offers a New Game Plus mode. Players can keep all their upgrades and weapons in this mode and face even more significant challenges.

Bonus content and hidden treasures are also available to players who thoroughly explore the game, rewarding those who dedicate much time to it.


To be able to destroy the Olympian gods, Kratos, Gaia, and the other Titans climb up Mount Olympus.

God Of War 3 PPSSPP Storyline

Poseidon starts attacking them. But Kratos kills Poseidon, causing Greece to flood from the oceans.

They reach Mount Olympus’s highest point and try to attack Zeus, but Zeus knocks them off the mountain.

As Gaia hangs onto the mountainside, she refuses to save Kratos since she sees him as just a pawn in the Titan’s quest for revenge.

Kratos falls into the Styx River. There, he loses the Blade of Olympus weapon. The souls of Hades weaken him and destroy the Blades of Athena’s weapon.

As Kratos emerges from the river, he is met by Athena’s spirit. She gave up her life to save Zeus from Kratos and has now seen truths she didn’t before.

Athena gives Kratos the Blades of Exile weapon and tells him he must put out the Flame of Olympus to be able to kill Zeus.

After finding the three Judges of the Underworld and the Chain of Balance, Kratos briefly sees Pandora’s spirit, whom he has mistaken for his dead daughter Calliope.

Kratos fights and kills the Olympian blacksmith Hephaestus and recovers the Blade of Olympus. He then kills Hades and releases the souls of the Underworld.

Athena reminds Kratos of what he needs to do. Kratos leaves the Underworld without searching for Calliope’s soul.

Kratos reaches Olympia, where he finds Gaia begging for help. In revenge for her earlier betrayal, Kratos cuts off Gaia’s arm, causing her to fall down the mountain to her apparent death.


The Blades of Exile are Kratos’s primary weapon, replacing the Blades of Athena from previous games and the intro of this game.

The weapon is a pair of blades attached to chains wrapping Kratos’s wrists and forearms. It allows him to swing the blades in various ways.

Throughout the game, Kratos gets new weapons with additional combat abilities: the Claws of Hades, the Nemean Cestus, and the Nemesis Whip.

The Nemean Cestus is a pair of gauntlets, and the Nemesis Whip works similarly to the Blades of Exile.

These new weapons are needed to progress in certain parts of the game. For example, the Nemean Cestus can destroy black onyx objects.

Magic gives Kratos different ways to attack and kill enemies. The Soul Summon magic of the Claws of Hades summons souls to attack enemies.

Other magic includes the Nemean Roar of the Nemean Cestus and the Nemesis Rage of the Nemesis Whip.

In addition to four primary weapons, there are three secondary weapons called Items: the Bow of Apollo, the Head of Helios, and the Boots of Hermes.

Some areas require you to use all three items. For example, the Head of Helios can be used as a lantern to uncover hidden doors in dark places.


Blades of Athena: These are the Knives Athena gave Kratos after the first game. He uses them early on but soon gets new ones.

Blades of Exile: Ghost Athena gives these to Kratos underground. They show how he’s all alone now.

Blade of Olympus: A powerful sword. Kratos uses it at the end of the second game and when he’s mad in the third. It beats big enemies fast.

Claws of Hades: Kratos gets these after beating Hades. They call dead people to help fight.

Nemean Cestus: Big lion-head gloves. Hercules had them first, but Kratos took them. Hercules got them from an enormous lion.

Nemesis Whip: Two weapons with three blades each. Hephaestus made them from a unique rock. They use lightning and can start machines. Kratos uses them to kill the guy who made them.

Puzzles and Exploration

God of War 3 PPSSPP mixes puzzle-solving with action-focused combat. Players run into puzzles that require logical thinking and observation to continue.

There is also an emphasis on exploring the world to find hidden secrets. It rewards players with valuable upgrades and items to collect.


The main character is Kratos. Other characters include Poseidon, Athena, Zeus, Hera, Helios, Hermes, Hades, and Aphrodite.

Poseidon is one of Kratos’s strongest enemies in their bloody battle. Zeus is another enemy that the player fights against.

The characters use a variety of weapons in combat. Having more weapons makes a character more powerful.

Easy to Hard Difficulty Levels

God of War 3 PPSSPP offers options to play at different difficulty levels. Most levels are effortless, medium, challenging, and extremely hard.

If new to the game, play on the easiest or medium level. Skilled players can take on challenging and tough levels or play online for greater rewards.

Magnificent Powers

There are many gods in the game with excellent special abilities for combat. You can buy items to increase a god’s powers.

When we get new weapons for our character, their abilities increase related to the weapon.


God of War 3 PPSSPP is an action-adventure game with hack-and-slash combat that one player can play.

Like previous God of War games, the player controls Kratos from a fixed third-person camera perspective.

Enemies include mythological creatures like centaurs, harpies, chimeras, cyclopes, satyrs, minotaurs, sirens, Cerberus, and gorgons.

To move through the game world, the player has to climb walls and stairs, jump over gaps, and swing across areas using ropes.

Some puzzles require objects to be placed in the right place, but others, like one involving Guitar Hero-style button timing, require precision and accuracy.

In addition to finding Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers to increase health and magic like before, you can now find Minotaur Horns.

These horns increase your item’s capacity to use more secondary weapons and items.

How to Download and Install God Of War 3 PPSSPP

  • First, You Need to Download God Of War 3 PPSSPP from the download button.
  • After Downloading, Extract the God Of War 3 PPSSPP Zip File.
  • Move the Save Data folder to Internal Memory/PSP/Savedata/Move here.
  • Move the Textures folder to Internal Memory/PSP/Textures/Move here.
  • Open the PPSSPP emulator.
  • Select the game.
  • Play and Enjoy.
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Final Words

God of War 3 PPSSPP brings the epic saga of Kratos to the palm of your hand, delivering a thrilling and immersive gaming experience.

From its gripping storyline to breathtaking visuals and intense combat, the game continues to be a beloved classic among gamers.

With the PPSSPP emulator, fans can relive the adventure anytime, anywhere, without compromising on the quality of gameplay.

Finally, if you love adventure games, you will like this one. If you encounter any problems while downloading the God of War 3 PPSSPP Highly Compressed, please comment below, and we will resolve your issue as soon as possible.

Remember to bookmark our site, PPSSPP ISO ROMs, for more PPSSPP Games and the most recent updates on this game.


Is God of War 3 PPSSPP suitable for younger players?

The game is rated for mature audiences due to its intense violence and themes.

Where can I download the God of War 3 PPSSPP ISO file?

You should only download the God of War 3 PPSSPP ISO file from our gaming websites to ensure its authenticity and avoid potential issues.

Hi, My name is Arvaj Khan, and I'm a gamer. I love playing games. I created this site to help people who want to play PSP ROM games on Android. On PPSSPP ISO ROMs, you will find posts of PPSSPP Games, ISO ROMs Games, and highly compressed PPSSPP games.

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